“I hope you brought enough for the entire class!”

When I was in grammar school, we weren’t allowed to chew gum in class. This made sense because if we were allowed to chew gum in class, the janitor would have had to scrape the sticky wads off the bottoms of desks and chairs and little girls would likely have had some stuck in their pig-tails. But let’s put that aside for a moment.

The concept of having to bring enough gum for everyone in class in order to be allowed to chew gum one’s self is the same type of logic that Trump’s supporters oppose.  In fact, it is the same rationale most Republicans oppose.

If a few students bought into that rule and decided to bring enough gum for everybody, what would the motivation be for any other students to bring their own gum?

When we were not in school and one of us had a pack of gum, he/she would normally offer a stick or two to a friend; but not because someone told him/her they had to.

People don’t need to be forced to be kind. Look at Bill Gates. Look at Warren Buffett. Look at anyone.

Like it or not, distaste for forced charity is one reason Trump was elected.


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