Men in power shouldn’t use their position to sexually harass or abuse women. That is a given. Those who do should be punished. That, too, is a given.

With so many women making so many allegations right now, I am left to wonder whether all of those complaints are actually worthy of review. I think some of them may simply be pile-ons; as in football. After one person tackles another everyone else seems to come out of the woodwork to pointlessly leap on top.   Will men become so cautious with their “harmless”  joking and playfulness (which they once assumed was acceptable) that we end up with sexual segregation in the workplace and elsewhere? Is that the goal or just the unintended possible result?

Yes, bad guys should pay. Women need to decide if there is a difference between bad and just teasing. Is teasing bad, too? If it is, romance is dead. This could be a slippery slope, Ladies.

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