Horoscopes revolve around signs of the Zodiac relative to a persons birthday. It is believed by some that a person’s character and circumstances may be influenced under their sign by the positions held by certain stars and planets when they were born. There are also some sub-signs not often talked about which are specific to certain days of the year. All of this will be discussed in the coming days unless my horoscope advises me not to.

Let us begin.


Aries is the emotional sign of THE RAM. Folks born between March 21st and April 19th find themselves to be driven by the first of the Zodiac signs. They are the first to avail themselves of any opportunity. They are eager, energetic and boisterous. They are quick to lead and get things done. Premature ejaculation may be a problem. Nancy Pelosi (born March 26) IS a problem.

Note: Premature ejaculation  should not be confused with “premature articulation”, something from which “The Donald” suffers. One would assume he to be an Aries for this reason, but not so. He is a Gemini, born June 14th. So, he got that wrong too. Don’t tell Hillary or the media. We’ll never hear the end of it.

Sub-Sign PLUTO:

Pluto is the sign of THE PLANET WANNABE. It, not unlike Aries, is an emotional sign and a bit pissed off of late over the “planet” demotion. Those born on April 1st are first out the door each day. They tend to run in circles and drool a bit, but are eager to please and will follow Mickey and Minnie anywhere.

NOTE: Pluto should not be confused with SIRIUS (Zodiac sign of THE HYDRANT) which is also know as THE DOG STAR. Sirius has the Bayer designation “Alpha Canis (as in canine) Majoris”. While being the brightest star is not a star at all, but a star system with a visual apparent magnitude of -1.46. It is almost as bright as Canopus (not cannabis ), the next brightest. Now aren’t you glad you clicked “Continue reading”? I’ll bet you’ll be more careful next time!


One thought on “YOUR HOROSCOPES #1

  1. Uranus is now in Aries, and will be there until mid 2018, when it briefly slides into Taurus.

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