According to scientists, there have been five times on earth when a “great extinction” has occurred. During those times, much of life on earth was wiped out. It is believed we are now in the sixth great extinction. Humankind seems to be at least partially responsible.

Species are dying off at an alarming rate right now. Numerous species are considered endangered or threatened or have recently died off altogether. By my calculations, none is more endangered, at the moment, than the emotionally adult human capable of responsible, rational thought and behavior. There are a few of these creatures left, but they tend to keep an extremely low profile for reasons of self defense, as they are so severely outnumbered.

They, like so many other things in this modern world, have been deemed obsolete. They are the dinosaurs; but unlike the dinosaurs that perished 75 million years ago, attrition will likely be their ultimate doom; as it is with any other being not replicating itself at a viable pace.

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