
Conservative Ideology is based on the premise that it is wise to stick to tried and true methods. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Most of these folks are older.

Progressive ideology is based on the premise that everything can be done better. “It’s all broken and needs to be fixed.” Most of these folks are younger.

It is natural for youth to rebel against their elders. This derives from the desire for independence and personal decision making powers. For them to stick with tradition and/or the status quo is counterintuitive…no matter how logical that might be. Youth have the power of ignorance.

The reason conservatives tend to consider a proposal and its likely results from A to Z, is because it’s already been tried. Liberals won’t do that and can’t seem to reach B. That is why, even though liberal intentions are correct, the results of there actions are so often  180 degrees from what they expected.

Note: It is important to keep in mind politicial parties are not ideologues. They simply use ideology as a vehicle to getting a candidate elected (like a chef uses garlic butter as a vehicle to turning a slimy snail into escargot.)

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