THE MEETING (Beforehand).

North Korea’s Kim is scheduled to meet with U.S.’s Trump at the posh Capella hotel on Sentosa Island in Singapore on June 12th starting at 9 AM local time. That is a lot for the public to know a full seven days prior to such an event.

Kim enjoys the almost universal admiration of the average citizens of North Korea. His regime is constantly singing his praises in myriad media. But, like Hitler (who survived a bomb attack by his own officers), there may be those in his military and elsewhere who would rather see him vanish.

Trump enjoys / despises a love / hate relationship with U.S. voters. Many see his presidency as a much needed shake-up of the status quo, while others would rather see him vanish.

Depending upon who you ask, these are arguably the top two trouble-makers on the planet (certainly the top one). As such, locating both in one place at the same time seems to me to constitute a security nightmare.

I wonder why this meeting isn’t being held in secret, to be publicized after the fact. Or, is it? Wouldn’t it be a hoot for all the media to gather for a meeting which turns out to be a decoy?

I will post an “After the fact” comment at an appropriate time.




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