A little after 12:30 p.m. Singapore time (9:30 Pacific time) while walking with Kim along the hotel portico, Trump told reporters he would speak to them in a couple of minutes after a “signing”.

What could that mean?

Wouldn’t it be hilarious if it was a treaty or non-aggression pact of some sort? A single meeting between two narcissists solving a decades old conflict (if only temporarily). Wouldn’t that put an odd spin on the way things had been handled previously?

It is only 12:50 Singapore time right now and the “signing” has yet to be completed. Maybe I’m a foolish optimist or just a fan of farcical humor, but I’m betting on something extraordinary.

I’m sitting here with breath like bait… bated breath? …whatever.

Quick afterthought as the “signing” is in progress: Whatever this so-called “signing” entails, it won’t be the end of the issue. Final details will need to be negotiated and ironed out. I think this could be effectively done by representatives of both sides. In this case, Dennis Rodman and Kanye West, while Trump coaches Kim on his golf swing at Mar-a Lago.

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