That’s Rachel Maddow!

I was watching Rachel Maddow the other evening as she was waving the imaginary red flag about Trump nominating a conservative to the Supreme Court post recently vacated by Justice Kennedy.  Her fears were intense, but mitigated by her quirky “I know more than the rest of you unwashed masses” grin.

She zeroed in on two great threats. 1) The possibility of Rowe v. Wade being overturned. 2) The possibility of overturning the ban against executing minors.

Rachel’s fear is that the right afforded women by Rowe v. Wade to exterminate absolutely innocent unborn children, due to the inconvenience of their existence, could be abolished (Yikes!) ; and that teens not yet 18 years of age, guilty of gruesome murders, might be executed if the ban on this practice were to be overturned. (Good grief, no! They are too young!)

It’s sadly hilarious she doesn’t see the problem with her logic.

Ms. Maddow is a great communicator with the innate ability to make her points crystal stupid.

But…that’s Rachael Maddow!

Let me take a stab at clarity and logic. I’m pro-life. And that includes the teens. I also believe (controversially in some circles)  that all lives matter… even Rachel’s.

3 thoughts on “That’s Rachel Maddow!

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