Why I write this blog.

ennispolitics.com is the personal cathartic leach field I designed to absorb the mental vomit I need to purge from my brain when it feels like it is about to overflow. And, while it is personal, anyone is welcome to trudge through it…though, thankfully, few do.

I often express my thoughts and opinions to friends and family probably more than is welcome, but I don’t demand they agree with what I say or think. I just try to explain what makes sense to me.That is what is contained herein.

I don’t shout and protest. I’m not trying to change the world. I’m not qualified. Nor are most others.

I might comment on any subject in an effort to try to understand it myself, but I don’t care if you are gay or straight, black or white, old or young, stupid or sage, disabled or otherwise. Your lives are your lives. As long as we don’t hurt others, we are entitled to live our lives the way we please.

So, if you disagree with the words you find in my blog, feel free to leave a respectful comment, start a blog of your own or follow the lead of the great philosopher, Jimmy Durante, who observed, “Why can’t everybody leave everybody else the hell alone?”






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