
I think homosexuality has probably existed for as long as mankind has mingled with others of his species. This is likely true of heterosexuality, as well. There is evidence of interbreeding between current man and Neanderthals. On the fringes, there is evidence of homo sapiens attempting to breed with members of the animal kingdom and some attractive trees. But, allow me to digress.

Homosexuality has once again become a generally accepted form of human intercourse. This type of acceptance has occurred numerous times throughout history, only to be condemned thereafter. Not so with heterosexuality. Why is that?

When the subject arises for debate, I never hear any words regarding the historical reasons societies of the past chose to demonize homosexuality. Certainly, we see this attitude embedded in most religions. Many governments consider(ed) being gay a crime…in some cases punishable by death. Why? Was any punishment appropriate? Certainly a death sentence seems ridiculous. Is homosexuality really bad?

Is it dangerous to individuals? Is its acceptance  dangerous to societies? Is its acceptance a benchmark against which a society’s standing in its life cycle can be measured?

Wouldn’t looking into this before rendering judgment be the responsible thing to do?

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