Freedom of Speech.

Georgia GOP senator Michael Williams “shocked” CNN’s anchor, Victor Blackwell, on his show, “New Day Saturday”, when he said he wouldn’t be surprised if Donald Trump had used the “N” word at some time in the past (prior to becoming president). Williams said, “To hold somebody accountable for something he did years ago as our president today, I think it sets a bad precedent.”

That’s only partly true. If the person had committed a felony; that would be a major problem. The use of the “N” word wasn’t and still isn’t a felony. That fact might also shock the people at CNN.

In his “shock”, Blackwell displays the ever growing “chip-on-the-shoulder” mentality of folks who, to further their agenda, attempt to find relevant fault when none exists , are astounded by the obvious and all the while maintaining an almost undetectable level of knowledge and sophistication.

Neener, neener.

More on this subject later.

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