Cash bail is a system by which courts influence defendants to actually appear before the court, at determined dates and times, under duress of substantial financial loss. It is by no means a perfect system; but has proven effective for a long time. Jerry Brown just signed legislation ending cash bail. There are two reasons he did so. First: The system is unfair to the poor who can’t afford to put up 10% of the bail required by a bail bonds company. Second: Jerry Brown protects criminals.

Brown is replacing the bail system with one in which a defendant’s likelihood of showing up for his/her court date will be assessed (as it has been all along); but without the aid of bounty hunters returning to custody those who fail to appear. The bail bonds company paid the tab. If the crime involved isn’t violent, the accused will likely be released on his/her own recognizance (no different from the old way). Now, though, if someone fails to appear in court, it will be fully up to already overburdened law enforcement to arrest them and it will be paid for by taxpayers.

Adjustments should have been made to accommodate those who can’t afford cash bail in order that they not sit in jail awaiting their court date; while people in better financial shape are freed. This would not be difficult. (Impounding anything a defendant holds dear, aside from cash, would achieve the same purpose). But the way Brown has done this is akin to throwing the baby out with the bath water. If Brown were a physician, he’d treat an ingrown toenail by amputating the leg and charge taxpayers for the procedure.

PSST…..We all know the real motive behind Brown’s outrageous legislative shenanigans. He, like a minor boss of any crime syndicate, wants to tolerate or reduce the consequences of bad behavior by those who’ve kept him in power.



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