Kavanaugh vs. Ford

I just watched the Senate interview Dr. Ford. Her testimony was riveting and believable. Kavanaugh’s denials have been believable.

No concrete evidence has been offered, as yet, to support Ford’s allegations. This is a classic case of “he said/she said”.

What was not credible was the bloviating chicanery of the senators, who reached partisan conclusions during the interview and went on to laud Dr. Ford for her bravery in coming forward with allegations against Kavanaugh at the last minute and how her testimony is sure to educate the horrible, opposite sex; and, of course, presuming Kavanaugh to be guilty. The right side of the aisle wasn’t much more respectable.

One senator noted his displeasure with the proceedings saying the Republican’s use of a sex crime prosecutor to interview Ford was inappropriate because it isn’t a prosecutor’s job to try to impeach a victim’s credibility. This is a classic political rationalization. Clearly the Democrats believed Ford prior to the interview and the Republicans believed Kavanaugh. The Democrats took the position of prosecution. The Republicans used their questioner in Kavanaugh’s defense. It is not only an option, but the duty of the defense to try to impeach the credibility of the accuser; and the accuser is always the victim.

Politicians must confuse and complicate things. It’s in their job description. There is a simple answer to this fiasco. Separate these allegations from the confirmation process and either confirm or deny Kavanaugh to a judgeship on the Supreme Court according to what is actually known.  Let Trump order the FBI to fully investigate the allegations and if the Executive Branch decides there is evidence strong enough to prosecute Kavanaugh for perjury in his denial of the allegations,  he should be charged.

But be fair. An investigation of those who raised the allegations (and their attorneys) to determine whether this controversy is a prosecutable case of defamation (sadly, D.C. law doesn’t consider defamation to be much of a criminally prosecutable crime regarding public figures). In any event, alert the public to the findings.

Either way it goes should be acceptable because that would be an actual attempt at discerning the truth of the matter. Let’s face it, something is wrong here and needs to be addressed.

The unquestionable and fully demonstrated FACTS I witnessed today were a senate chamber disregarding parliamentary procedure and  senators demonstrating sophomoric, mob mentalities.

Quoting the Wicked Witch of the West, “What a world!”


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