Repressed Legislation

In the midst of the #Me Too Movement Bill Cosby was sent to jail to serve 3-10 years for sexual offenses. Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation is stalled over allegations of sexual misdeeds 35 years ago without any evidence beyond the allegations. Jerry Brown has a new bill waiting on his desk.

Democratic assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher has authored a bill extending the statute of limitations for sex crimes allowing youthful sex abuse victims  to sue until the age of 40. It also makes provisions for those sex abuse victims who’ve suffered repressed memories of the events, allowing them to sue up until 5 years after the memories resurface. This could be a slippery slope.

Oftentimes repressed memories emerge during psychotherapy sessions and it is not unheard of that they derive from previous lives. Perhaps I’m callous, but it seems no matter how much PTSD suffering remains from an event like that; it would be something of a waste of time to demand justice from an alleged perpetrator whose whereabouts have been unknown for the last 700 years. I’m sure there are those who disagree.

This bill is on Jerry Brown’s desk and he has until Saturday 9/29/2018 to sign it…or fashion it into a paper airplane to carry his newly promised pollution/climate change satellite into space. Go get ’em, Moonbeam!

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