An excerpt from Georgetown professor, Christine Fair regarding the Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearing (specifically directed toward Republican lawmakers), ” Look at thus (this) chorus of white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement. All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine. Yes.”

Nifty!  We are treated to another anti-Constitution bonehead prematurely passing judgment sans any credible evidence.

Fair told Fox News the tweets were part of her “personal speech” on her “personal site”. Georgetown University has defended Fair citing her First Amendment rights and disavowed the university’s connection to those ideas. They went on to say she is expected to be unbiased while teaching students. I guess we must give her the benefit of the doubt that she’ll abide by those rules.

Citing my own First Amendment rights, I would note that I find no difference between Fair’s words and those of an ISIS video. Her message is that of a person who spent the first nine months of their existence gestating in their mother’s colon. Our military trains to remove people who promote such ideas from the planet. They do this with honor, (something alien to Fair).

I would be just as disgusted by a white (or any color) male suggesting Fair be slowly lowered, feet first, through a branch shredder and the pieces flushed into a septic field while her ovaries were volleyed back and forth at Wimbledon.

There are certain limits to freedom of speech, ie: You don’t yell “fire” in a crowded theater. Why, if this was such a personal expression of Fair’s First Amendment rights, limited to her personal site, have these incendiary words found their way into the public conversation?

I guess it’s okay to punish guy who is simply accused of sexual misconduct, without any evidence, but firing a woman whose calls for the basest terroristic violence is off the table.

I don’t wish that Fair suffer any physical harm from her anencephalic outburst, but I wouldn’t mind seeing her publically humiliated…and FIRED! After all, this time there is credible evidence. Against her.

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