Learn Before You Blather.

Amy Shumer is the latest celebrity to hop onto the Kaepernick “anti-racism” bandwagon. She, like Kaepernick himself, might do well to experience what they are protesting against.

Having spent about 18 years out on the streets at night covering news stories, I have a suggestion. Perhaps taking a few “ride-alongs” with police officers would give their complaints more credibility in the public’s eyes, rather than appearing as insulated celebrity loudmouths . They could see for themselves how brutally police behave and how innocent so many of those upstanding citizens who end up in handcuffs really are. Differing locations of varying ethnicities and income levels should be selected. Care should be taken to observe officers other than the driver of the ride-along at different scenes to bring fairness to the adventure. The officer driving would be sure to behave, so he/she wouldn’t be a good one upon which to base an objective opinion. A week or two of reality should be enough. After some actual eyes-on experience, Amy’s and Colin’s words would carry solid weight, rather than the counterproductive miasma of ignorant blather.


In the meanwhile, Amy should feel free to boycott appearing in any Super Bowl ads. Kaepernick should do whatever Kaepernicks do. The nation will survive just fine.

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