Opinion Polls.

Why does the media still believe Republicans respond to pollsters? Didn’t the 2016 election prove anything?

All sorts of organizations take opinion polls. Colleges, media organizations and others do this sort of thing. Some opinion polls are considered scientific with plusĀ and minus factors of a few percent. Sometimes one thousand people are asked their opinions. That sounds like a lot of people, but when you think about ratios…do you really think you could gauge the general feeling of a crowd of sixty thousand people by asking one or two what they think?

The political Right generally understands the reason behind the “secret ballot” and isn’t easily enticed into giving away their secrets. The Left, on the other hand, is more prone to sharing their opinions and advice. There are far more public demonstrations and protests conducted by the Left than the Right when they find a beef with what’s going on. Republican votersĀ save it for the voting booth. Independents may do the same. It’s hard to judge with them.

At least that’s what I’ve noticed over the years.

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