We’re Sorry.

I just noticed an article informing the reader that the Monterey Bay Aquarium has apologized for a comment they tweeted referring to one of their otters as “thicc”. I didn’t know what that word meant, so I did some research. I found it referenced on “urban dictionary”; where I was surprised to find a few other idiomatic words, the usage of which seems reserved for designated individuals and/or groups. Apparently Monterey Bay Aquarium’s apology to those who took offense at the original tweet was due to their belief they violated some form of intellectual property law. They actually didn’t do that, so they apologized for exercising their own First Amendment rights by humorously applying a term in the same way “ok” was a jokingly misspelled abbreviation of “all correct” in the 1830s. Nobody seemed to take offense at the latter because people didn’t have such massive chips on their shoulders back then.

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