As each day passes, I see the government requiring less and less personal responsibility from citizens. I see it trying to take personal responsibilities away from the voters and their families, claiming it can handle peoples’ responsibilities better than the people themselves. I see it attempting to set its own standards, rather than upholding the peoples’ standards. I see the government claiming it “is” society. I see society believing this.

As people cede their responsibilities, they become weaker. They become lazier and lose ambition. They don’t pay attention to what’s going on around them.They are willing to be blindly led  and adopt the views of others without question. The numbers of those who feel like disenfranchised victims must surge and do so accordingly.

Rumors and innuendo become more relevant than facts. Polling results are considered more important than facts. Partisan media report and promote news stories they, themselves, inspired.

This is how a society or nation loses its luster and devolves into prey for predatory states. I guess it’s a natural process having repeated itself countless times over millennia. Strangely,  we know the causes of the disease; and yet, we ignore, or worse still, approve of the tumors. This is because the tumors are handing out candy. This is known as “cake and circus”. Feed them. Entertain them. You own them.

 The government that doesn’t trust individuals to be responsible for themselves promotes this decay and is directly to blame for the outcome. Don’t bother trying to tell the Liberals. They won’t listen… which is a little weird because even liberals know feeding a bear that is capable of foraging for itself is bad for the bear.

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