The political left wants rich people to pay their fair share of taxes. Of course, they already pay a much higher percentage than the average Americans. The concept of financial equality is the issue here. The aim is to redistribute wealth. Everyone should have their fare share. Right? People own their money, but others are entitled to it. Right? That’s ridiculous. Really!

My wife is #6 among nine siblings her parents brought into this world. That’s a lot of kids by today’s standards. Many “would-be” parents are unable to produce one offspring. Question: When will we decide it’s only fair to take children from their birth parents and redistribute them to those not as fortunate? That’s ridiculous! Really?

We are told not to feed wild bears that are capable of foraging for themselves. The reason is obvious. The bears become dependent upon people feeding them and lose the desire and abilities to fend for themselves. That makes sense.

In an effort to subsidize the poor, we’ve instituted badly designed welfare programs which have paid monies to huge numbers of people who are capable of earning livings on their own. There are now generations of people who won’t even consider looking for gainful employment because they’ve been institutionalized into believing working for a living isn’t necessary. In some cases they make more money if they don’t work. That is ridiculous. But it’s true. Really!

There are massive numbers of gun regulations on the books in the United States and yet there are those who would banish the private ownership of guns altogether. If you make guns illegal, the law-abiding citizens will relinquish them, leaving only the criminals with guns and the law-abiding citizens defenseless. That is ridiculous. But it’s true. Really!

There are states within our nation where illegal aliens are granted the same rights as citizens and, in some cases, prioritized benefits. That is ridiculous. But it’s true. Really!

Our Constitutional right to Freedom of Speech is being prioritized and denied according to who agrees with its content. That’s ridiculous. But it’s true. Really!

There is a push to reduce penalties for crimes committed by demographics who commit more crime. That’s ridiculous. But it’s true. Really!

SO, THEN……………………

When will the government redistribute children and cause us to say: That’s ridiculous. But it’s true. Really!

The Constitution of the United States protects individuals’ rights from being violated by promoters of these ridiculous things. A republic is bound by the laws of its constitution. A democracy is not. Which do you choose?

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