The Tornadic Resonances of Rectal Amplitudes.

There have come about, over the years, many terms to describe the simple fart.

Cutting the cheese, breaking wind, stepping on a duck (Rodney Dangerfield), malifluent miasma. (Possibly Churchill), air biscuit, Trump. (British), ass blast, barking spider, fluff, trouser cough, anal acoustics,  silent but deadly, toot, butt trumpet, queef, queaf, queeb, queif, quief, breaking wind, bottom burp, poot, poof, stinker, colon cough, sphincter scream, yesterday’s lunch holler, burrito belch, cheek cleavage calliope, vundersplatz, pumpernickel (at least the pumpern portion), geschwindigkeit, gerblatterputz, unsniffable Molly Brown blast, the southbound opinion of a northbound horse.

Most of these are humorously descriptive.

Now it’s your job. Find one that DOESN’T describe both congressional aisle’s words in today’s political debates. Take your time.

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