I Don’t Condone Violence!

In the wake of the horrible mosque shootings in Christchurch New Zealand, where at least 50 people have died, N.Z. Sen. Fraser Anning made a public comment, “Does anyone still dispute the link between Muslim immigration and violence?” Everything about the incident was heartbreaking until the senator was interrupted.

A 17 year old protestor with his phone camera in hand recorded himself smashing a raw egg over the senator’s head. The senator calmly turned around and punched the kid squarely in the face…twice. The boy looked very surprised. Apparently the senator is a southpaw.

I didn’t consider what the teen did nor what the senator did to be violent. It was like a Laurel and Hardy routine. I considered these to be “stupid human tricks”. It took me several viewings before it stopped being funny.

POSTSCRIPT: It seems some people are demanding Sen. Anning be charged for punching the teen. This includes the Prime Minister, who wants to see the man suffer the full wrath of the law. She and others don’t believe the senator had a right to physically respond to the assault. Folks should be reminded that the kid instigated the confrontation. He drew first yolk!

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