Was It Worth $25 Million?

Anyone who reads this blog should realize I don’t defend Trump. I am not a member of the Republican party. I try to be fair and report facts as logically as I can.

Special prosecutor, Robert Mueller has released his investigation report to Attorney General, Barr. Barr has released a summation of Mueller’s report. The report found no Russian collusion on the part of Donald Trump or his presidential campaign in 2016. Mueller did not exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, only saying Mueller didn’t find sufficient evidence to bring such charges. Any further action was deferred to Barr.

In a criminal trial there are two basic points to be established by the prosecution. 1) Motive. 2) Opportunity. The Mueller report discredits any motive. Without motive, there would be no reason to obstruct justice. That is logical.

Yet, the Democrats are now hanging onto the point of opportunity. Would Trump have opportunity to obstruct justice? Yes. Of course he would . He’s the President. But what would be his motive to do so? There’s no motive. Is it just me, or has this gotten well past  the point of embarrassing, sophomoric behavior on the part of those who still refuse to believe Hillary isn’t in the White House?

This didn’t go the way the media wanted it to go, so they will continue to try to keep alive a story which never drew a legitimate breath.

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