2016: The Only Two

There were only two, truly honorable candidates who ran for President in 2016.

Dr. Ben Carson is an honorable man. He is soft-spoken and particularly logical with a strong grasp of the true meanings of the words contained in the U.S. Constitution. Not a career politician, he spent his career as a pediatric surgeon. While he did gain notoriety by successfully separating twins conjoined at the head, his focus was on helping children and not on fame. When confronted by Democrats about things he admitted were foibles of his past, he proved both his veracity and valor.

Bernie Sanders is an honorable man. I don’t think there is a dishonest bone in his body. He has espoused a socialist agenda without wavering. I’m fully convinced he believes his ideas would benefit the most people; but like so many people who’ve fallen into the realm of tunnel vision and rationalizations, he doesn’t recognize his train of thought is missing sections of track. Many theories look great on paper but are untenable when confronted by reality. Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, chair of the Democratic National Committee, was forced from her post after it was learned she was instrumental in rigging DNC support unevenly against Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton. Wasserman-Shultz is thoroughly devoid of any hint of honor.

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