Calvin Klein has apologized over the uproar it created within the LGBT community by using heterosexual model, Bella Hadid, in an ad in which the model, wearing a shirt with the name Calvin emblazoned on it, kissed a female robot named Lil Miquela. The complaint is that there are plenty of LGBT models that could have been used instead.

Okay. Let’s start with the basics. This was an ad. Ads aren’t real. If they were, shouldn’t the number one complaint be that the kiss wasn’t mutually consensual? Besides, how are we sure Lil Miquela isn’t straight, as well?

There is concern over “queer baiting”.

Queer baiting is a term originating around 2010 and indicates a technique used in the advertising and entertainment industries to draw in (bait) the LGBT community with fake depictions of same sex romance.

Okay. The wildly popular sitcom, “The Big Bang Theory” (which just wrapped the longest multi-camera program of its kind) cast the gay actor, Jim Parsons, to play the heterosexual Sheldon Cooper. Sheldon was depicted as having had sex with Amy Farrah Fowler, played by heterosexual Mayim Bailik.  As with the Calvin Klein ad, “The Big Bang Theory” was fiction. Is a straight baiting apology due?

We live in an era when everyone is offended by everything and everyone else is apologizing, hoping to offend no one. It’s time we put on our big girl/boy/boy-boy/ girl-girl/used to be a boy/used to be a girl/think of ourselves as whatever panties and GET REAL!

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