Democrats believe they are doing the country a world of good in their efforts to oust Trump from office. I don’t believe they hate the job he’s done in revitalizing the economy. I don’t believe they are rabidly opposed to a border wall. They can’t hate him for opening face to face dialogue with the leader of North Korea in an effort to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. They can’t hate him because he acts like a “clown”. Democrats claim far more “clowns” amongst their ranks than do Republicans. They can’t hate him because he behaves like a child for the same reason. I believe they simply hate Trump, the man. They hate him because he represents everything they despise. He spent his life as an employer of employees. He’s extremely wealthy. He is the epitome of success to the point of becoming the most powerful human on the planet. He is, therefore, the devil incarnate to them.

Democrats have been in such a tizzy over Trump winning the White House over Hillary Clinton that they’ve tried everything possible to get rid of him. Their most ardent efforts have been the constant investigations into all areas of his life, past and present. This will come to not only haunt them, but to haunt the country as a whole for decades to come.

I believe every president for the foreseeable future will undergo the same pressure no matter which political party wins the presidency. The Democrats, in their constant short sightedness, have failed to understand that none of their ranking members would be able to withstand anything like what Trump has already withstood…and they will have to do so from here on in.

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