I watched some video of the recent protests in Portland, Oregon in which the Rose City Antifa group clashed with the Proud Boys. A number of people were injured, including police officers and a journalist.

People who have legitimate points to be made must stand up to be counted. People with the slightest amount of integrity must do the same. As I watched a right leaning journalist, Andy Ngo, peacefully walking away from the left leaning Antifa people, hiding their identities behind kerchiefs, who had allegedly punched him and who were pelting him from behind with so called “milk shakes”, I saw no legitimacy nor integrity. What I saw were lowly cowards.

Left leaning groups supposedly espouse peace and fairness. Those qualities were absent in the video. Nobody attempted to come to Ngo’s defense nor tried to defuse the situation or mitigate the attack. Ngo simply waked along, absorbing the physical abuse. He didn’t even try to, nor could he defend himself.

The media is happy to offer the video for public consumption with the explanation of why Antifa is upset. They are happy to point out the fact that the Proud Boys is a group that has been labelled by left leaning groups as a hate group. They don’t view Antifa as a hate group.

As of this posting, I understand three people who were allegedly involved in the protest have been arrested. According to the report, it is unknown whether the people arrested belong to the Proud Boys group or the Antifa group. I have my own guess. It also didn’t indicate whether they had any involvement with the sniveling attack on Ngo.

Speaking from what I believe is the viewpoint of noble intentions and valor, I believe any point the Rose City Antifa group was trying to make is completely void and each person found guilty of participating in the attack upon Ngo should be sentenced in a court of law to a public caning. Is that unfair?

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