Should Be Interesting.

I have a feeling the 2020 election will be the most revealing and provocative event this nation has witnessed since the 1860s.

Republicans and Democrats both claim to know exactly what the majority of Americans want and what the United States is supposed to mean to its citizens and the world. There are major differences in how the politicians from both sides of the aisle view the issues and there seems to be no wiggle room for negotiations since the divides are so wide.

Everyone knows what the left wants. They won’t shut up about it. The left doesn’t know what the right wants because while Republican politicians may speak up, normal, conservative citizens on the right stay quiet. This was demonstrated by how big a surprise Hillary’s 2016 loss was.

I’m drawing no conclusions nor making any forecasts regarding how the 2020 election might go; but I think it will have a resounding impact…and maybe not a peaceful one.

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