Rational Thought

Rational thought is a process through which we take an idea and thoughtfully proceed to its logical conclusion. We go from point “A” through point “Z”, without skipping any letters in between.

Rationalization is listing any number of facts and arriving at an illogical conclusion.

Are you walking on the moon right now? No. That is a fact. Are you in a deep water submersible scouting the Marianas Trench right now? No. That is a fact. Are you running through the streets of Pyongyang, North Korea screaming obscenities about Kim Jung Un at this moment? No. That is also a fact. If you are not on the moon, or scouting the Marianas Trench, or attempting to get yourself shot in Pyongyang right at this moment in time, you MUST BE SOMEWHERE ELSE. Conclusion: If you are somewhere else, you cannot, by definition, be where you are. This is also a fact, …and a completely illogical conclusion.

Rationalization is the process employed by many politicians and activists to advance agendas that make no earthly sense. Abortion advocates do this. Please follow how I believe rational thought addresses this issue.

A pregnancy occurs. This means a human (homo sapiens) egg is fertilized and what was once a cell begins to divide and then redivide. It grows. This growing thing is human as any DNA test will prove.

During the first 9 months of life, this human thing survives within the environment of its mother’s uterus. Then it is the expelled into the open air, where is breaths with its own lungs. The process continues through stages of development of physical growth and puberty, maturation, aging and finally expires naturally when the body’s organs fail.

At any time during this process from “A” through “Z”, the human thing’s life might cease. This can occur by way of natural causes such as accident or disease. Survival can also be terminated deliberately by way of homicide. The killing of a member of the species Homo Sapiens is called homicide.

There are two basic forms of homicide: Justifiable homicide (war, legal execution, legal suicide) and Unjustifiable homicide (murder, accident or illegal suicide). As we are discussing abortion, let’s remove suicide from this algorithm.

Homicides are logically justifiable when carried out during war because the purpose is to protect those who are considered innocent from being killed or ruled by a violent adversary. The same is true with capital punishment/ executions. In both cases, the purpose is to exterminate humans who are considered existentially offensive. These are people who have proven themselves to be dangerous and are subsequently deemed by a society to have committed horrible crimes against the people of that society.

Ending the lives of innocent humans is Unjustifiable homicide. When the death is caused intentionally and not by simple accident, we call it murder. The law gradates murder in degrees, however, all are criminal acts. Pro-abortion activists proffer the idea that abortion deviates from this concept in some way. How? By way of rationalization.

Now, assuming an embryo or fetus hasn’t purposely injured or endangered the woman who is carrying it in her womb, how can we determine its homicide (abortion) can be justifiable…there is a way. However, one must rationalize to get there.

If a woman is raped and that rape produces a pregnancy, wouldn’t the forced continuation of that pregnancy be forcing her to endure an ongoing crime? That argument makes some sense and is food for thought. What about the cases where carrying an unborn child to term threatens the woman’s own immediate survival? Again, an argument can be made. There are, however, women who believe the fact their pregnancy might screw up their college or vacation plans would make a homicide justifiable. They refuse to acknowledge the existence of another human as having any vested interest in the whole affair. I guess they rationalize the other human MUST BE SOMEWHERE ELSE.

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