I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I don’t need any group of people to tell me how to think. Let me take a moment to explain my positions on certain issues.

Technology: I believe most (if not all) technology can be improved and that improvement should be a constant goal. I don’t believe that if something isn’t perfect it should be scrapped and replaced with a hope or wish or dream. That is not pragmatic and is generally doomed to failure.

Foreign Affairs: I believe the ability to communicate with foes is of utmost importance, because when lines of communication are severed, the only option is war. Did Russia attempt to influence U.S. elections? Of course. We do the same around the world on a regular basis. Radio Free Europe, during the cold war was a prime example. What we are doing in Venezuela today is no different. Should we protect our elections from outside meddling? What do you think?

Racism: Racism will disappear when it is no longer being promoted by all sides.

Abortion: An unborn human is human. Unless it deserves to die due to something illegal it has done, the purposeful killing of it is murder.

The Economy: There is no finite number of dollars available to be earned or spent. New wealth is constantly being created…and I mean created, not printed. The concept of the rich having more than their fair share is ridiculous. To have a share indicates there is a whole from which portions can be identified. There is no whole. There are no fair shares. There is only the wealth people have. They can increase that wealth or decrease it according to their talents, enthusiasm and ambitions. The Robin Hood idea of taking from the rich and giving to the poor is robbery. The fictional Robin Hood was a misguided thief, pure and simple.

The Environment: I think it’s silly to believe mankind has no influence on the climate. When I see the number of cars on the roadways during rush hours and multiply that by years, it makes me think of how a simple volcanic eruption is no match for the pollution introduced into the atmosphere. Yet, one eruption can have a profound and lasting effect. I think it is stupid to send any species (with the exceptions of some disease causing viruses or bacteria) into extinction in an effort to benefit our own species. Homo Sapiens have overpopulated the planet beyond the point of sustainability (while this may be buried in the middle of this text, I believe it is PROBLEM # 1).

Immigration: To repeat…Homo Sapiens have overpopulated the planet beyond the point of sustainability. The U.S. is a geographical area of 100% immigrants (including those called native Americans). We are overfull. Extreme care must be taken to add more people attrition cannot balance.

The Military: Foes are never swayed by kindness. Overwhelming military might is what keeps the peace.

Guns/Firearms: I have the unalienable right to have a tool at hand to successfully defend my life, the lives of those I love or any other innocent person I choose to defend without waiting for police to arrive. Parallel Fire Logic: Just because someone might use a match to start a forest fire shouldn’t deny me matches to start my barbeque. I should be able to own a fire extinguisher without having to wait for the fire department to arrive.

Honor, Veracity, Faith: I believe our society is losing all of these essential societal mores. They will return. They always do; but only after great pain, misery and bloodshed.

As I wrote, I’m neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I lean to the Right because the Left espouses the opposite of what I believe.

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