*See previous post.

The advent of personal electronic devices brings with it a few unhappy consequences to their overuse; not the least of which is the reduction in physical activity.

My prior post references how excessive “screen time” on personal electronic devices can foster antisocial tendencies. Along with this unfortunate phenomenon, comes the inability, during that period of physical inactivity, to burn calories effectively. The result is the path toward muscular atrophy and possible obesity.

We all recognize a sedentary lifestyle is contraindicated if someone hopes to remain physically healthy . We scoff at the “couch potato” who spends his days binge watching sports reruns, yet spending hours on a PC or smartphone  is no different. Instaed of kids going down to their local skate park to hone their skills on a skateboard, it’s much easier to do that in the form of a video game. This is especially true of those who need the exercise most.

When I enter a restaurant for a meal, I’m constantly amazed at how many patrons are busy with their faces in their phones as they consume all the calories they have no hope of metabolizing efficiently. I’m convinced that when they leave the restaurant, (after having little socialization with other human beings), they will go elsewhere and remain glued to some form of screen…perhaps TV or desk top computer.

If I were an evil scientist or leader of an adversarial nation, bent on weakening a society to the point of helplessness, I can’t think of a better way than what the tech industry has fostered and promotes.

Am I against technology and its uses? No! I’m against gullible stupidity  and a complete lack of common sense.

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