Sinking in quicksand is a very comfortable, yet ultimately fatal, experience. Being pulled out of quicksand is painful as the quicksand tends to stretch and strain the body in its refusal to relinquish us from its vacuum grip.

The quicksand is the Liberal agenda. The rescuing force is the Conservative agenda. The potential victim is the American public.

It is no surprise Liberals are in such a tizzy to disable Conservative policies now that the American public is being drawn toward its freedom; now that folks are recognizing how foolish the Liberal policies are. The Liberal’s power is diminishing day by day. Whatever will they do when more and more people become self-sufficient? What will they do when so very many of them are no longer needed?

Under Obama’s policies, Liberals were happy to deport large numbers of illegal aliens because they were guaranteed a sufficient level of people in poverty to vote for them, but now what do they do? They promote open borders and policies designed to lure the undocumented into the country to supplant those who are finally getting on their feet. Conservative ideology calls for small government. It promotes self-sufficiency. It believes the American Dream goes beyond the Liberal ideal of aspiring toward lower middle class.

Unfortunately for Liberal politicians, if things keep going the way they have been going the last three years, many of them will be without a job and won’t be able to find gainful employment at McDonalds because their minimum wage policies have caused that company to reduce its workforce dramatically. The opportunities that great company used to afford the inexperienced in getting a start in the private sector was torpedoed in the same way so many Liberal policies have backfired. Deceptively honorable goals with 180 degree results.

Can you name a Liberal policy that has been objectively successful in the long term? Think about it. They generally end up looking like the welfare system or dealing with homelessness…things are worse for their policies than ever. Apparently throwing good money after bad doesn’t work. Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach him to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime. Liberals like to give away fish.

Thankfully, the economy has become stronger, with the lowest unemployment rates in a very long time…due to Conservative policies. This is a mitigating factor for those who want to succeed…but not for the career politicians who’ve tethered their horses to duping able people into believing we, the people, are helpless victims. We are not victims unless we choose to be. We have the power to succeed when Liberal government gets out of our way.

The United States will never ignore the plights of the truly needy and unable. We don’t need to invent those problems for others.

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