hey…WAKE UP!

Has anyone recognized what is going on in Washington D.C.? For the past three years both sides of the political isle have focused upon the inappropriateness of how the other side exposes wrongdoing among their elected members. Almost no interest is shown regarding the wrongdoing itself. If you don’t announce you are about to enter the kitchen before catching someone with their hand in the cookie jar, you are the guilty one.

How was dirt dug up on Hillary? The Russians and WikiLeaks became the focus of attention. The dirt on Hillary got swept under the rug and she’s back entertaining another run for the White House. The Democrats, by way of Mueller investigates whether Trump was involved. Now, Trump’s investigation of possible corruption in Ukraine has Democrats threatening impeachment of the President. Corruption in Ukraine is sidelined. Crowds have chanted “Lock her up!” Crowds have chanted, “Lock him up!”. This is simple jockeying for an upcoming election.

All of this is clearly infantile, partisan shenanigans. Career politicians have no interest in exposing actual wrongdoing because such behavior is their modus operandi. They simply want to ensure such wrongdoing can remain undiscovered by cementing the maze of difficulties required to make public these behaviors. None of this is new, except Trump’s push to “drain the swamp”. That is the real threat both sides are battling with differing tactics.

Whether Trump has violated the Constitution is moot when the Democrats do it daily. Each side screams the same words against the other side. In reality both sides are guilty. The question is whether the voting public has any interest in elected officials  upholding the Constitution in the first place. The media doesn’t and are betting voters don’t either.

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