What Is The Solution To Poverty?

There exists a belief that the rich are responsible for providing solutions to poverty. This is not only blatantly false; it is thoroughly unworkable. History has proven this fact over and over again. The tendency to covet your neighbor’s wealth is normal. It is the inspiration to  earn wealth for yourself. The idea that your neighbor owes you some of what he’s earned has no basis in logical thought.

There have always been those who would attempt to gain personal power by advocating reapportionment of wealth. These are not stupid people. They know the benefits of such systems are nonexistent. They know Robin Hood was a fictional character. Allow me to ask…Who benefitted from the Russian Revolution? Who benefitted from Cuban and South/Central American socialism or communism? How are things going in North Korea? The winners are always those who promoted the idea of reapportionment of wealth. The losers were/are the supposed beneficiaries.

The concept of having other entities, whether it be wealthy individuals or the government, assume someone’s personal financial responsibilities has always been attractive to people without honor. The idea that a person is entitled to something beyond the gifts of God, without earning it, began as simple theft between primitive individuals. This crime grew over time as groups of various sizes became involved. We call the latter organized crime. Through the process of rationalization, certain groups claim that because depriving others of their rightful property without benefit to the property owner fits their agendas, the ways in which they steal are perfectly okay.  We don’t call members of these groups organized criminals because the ways in which they steal are technically legal. They are legal because people believe they are entitled to something for nothing…so laws allowing theft are passed.

Those of the population who are truly physically and/or mentally incapable of surviving without others’ assistance will always have socially derived care. Those who claim to be victims of a society which rewards effort, talent and ingenuity at a higher rate than it rewards sitting on one’s ass will always find sympathetic ears among the Democrats, socialists and communists who work tirelessly to promote continued poverty…for without poverty, these thieves have no power or value.

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