In the wake of the U.S.’s missile strike which killed Iranian General Soleimani, Democrats and some Republicans are angry Trump did not consult with Congress prior to the strike.
Let’s look at this logically and with a bit of history in mind. Both sides of the political aisle agree Soleimani was a bad and dangerous dude. He had orchestrated the killing of many Americans and apparently had plans to continue doing the same. Both sides agree the world is a safer place with Soleimani disappearing into history. So, what’s the problem…and why didn’t Trump brief Congress prior to the missiles being launched?
Secrecy. First, Congress leaks like a sieve. Second, Democrats hate Trump enough to throw a wrench into anything of value he might plan. Somehow, some folks have gotten the idea that top secret plans regarding national security must be debated in public. The idea is, of course, insane.
I am not a fan of Trump. I didn’t vote for him. I think my choice would have done a better job in the Oval Office. Many, if not most people consider Trump’s mouth to be public enemy #1. There’s good reason for that. Aside from having the tact of a hand grenade and the grasp of the English language as one would a greased pig; his ego is intolerable. But, the benefits of his decisions and actions are undeniable.
Okay, so, on top of everything else he’s done, Trump took out Soleimani. Now he has to face the wrath of partisan fools. Historically, that’s not a bad place in which to find oneself.
It will be interesting to see how his opponents attempt to save face and try to claim his ideas as their own as the years pass because their own egos won’t allow them to admit they were wrong.