“Pet” is a word of affection. A teacher’s “pet” is a preferred student. The verb “pet” indicates the stroking action we perform to comfort, console or show affection. When teens “pet”, they do so lovingly. The term “my pet” is synonymous with “my dear”. There clearly is no sane reason anyone could consider the word “pet” offensive. I said, no “SANE” reason.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) president, Ingrid Newkirk, objects to the word “pet” suggesting it shows disrespect to our animal companions. I have a question. Is Ingrid the self proclaimed proxy for domesticated animals worldwide who are unable to communicate their emotional distress or embarrassment at being referred to as “pets”? Is Ingrid in need of being “petted” herself? Have Ingrid’s wheels slipped completely off the rails?
Voila! Another liberal progressive finding an utterly pointless way to place a chip on their shoulder. “I Took Offense First” is a competitive sport within the liberal progressive community.