Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. The undereducated and the youthful are the two groups least versed in history. They are also the two groups who tend to vote for Democrats. This is not a coincidence. These are the two most gullible groups.

This is not to imply all democrats are simpletons…just the chosen demographic. The leaders of the party are quite smart and quite wrong in their ambitions. James Carville (a longtime democrat strategist) put it clearly, recently, in an interview when he mentioned more than once that the main ambition of the Democratic Party is to acquire “power”. He made it clear that power trumped any agenda. Agenda is of no real importance to him, at all. He made it clear that electability had to do with telling voters what they wanted to hear, rather than where the party actually stands on issues.

I don’t know if the Republican Party is comprised by a bunch of racketeers. It may well be. But do I know the Democratic Party is.

The idea of “honor among thieves” is not based in fact. Thieves are folks who put themselves and their desires above everything and everybody else. This is why the last time the United States was as politically divided as it is today, the Democratic Party self destructed.

Is history repeating itself today? I don’t know for sure, but the similarities of what is going on today to what went on during the 1860 Democratic discontent, denials and confusion are striking.

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