I had a friend, since passed, who used the phrase “Idiots abound!” whenever he heard or saw someone say or do something a sentient individual would deem to be particularly stupid. He didn’t mean “idiot” as a clinical description; rather, as a derisive term.

When I was quite young, I fancied myself an inventor. On paper, I designed a four rotor craft which I hoped I could fly. The design was very similar to the hobbyists’ drones so popular today. I only had two by fours, nails and a lawnmower engine with which to work, so I realized the whole idea was stupid, and gave up. After all, only and idiot would try to build what could not possibly fly and would surely be a pointless threat to himself and others.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez conceived her “New Green Deal”. Bernie Sanders holds relentlessly to his socialism. I’m sure there’s some self appointed genius out there who believes filling his jock strap with concrete will protect him from getting sucked up to OZ the next time he visits his Auntie Em in tornadic Kansas. These are just three examples of why, if my friend were still alive, he’d remark, “Idiots abound!”

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