Sharruppa You Mouth.

The Spanish Flu (H1N1) pandemic occurred in 1918, killing an estimated 50 million people. My father was born in 1926, so he didn’t really know much about it.

I was born in 1952 and was 16 years old when the H3N2 pandemic killed 1 million folks worldwide in 1968.

AIDS struck in 1981 and by 2018 had killed 32 million. I was 29 at the time, (her age when she was elected). I didn’t try to meddle and kept my opinions to myself and observed what the experts were doing (that’s how one learns).

The Bird Flu killed a great number of poultry and 6-10 people in 1997. 774 people died of SARS in 2002-2003. 2009 saw 575,400 people die of the return of H1N1. These were lower in scale to the earlier pandemics.

Now we have COVID-19, a pandemic that’s killed 40,000 as of this writing. It’s estimated 200,000 could die in the U.S. alone before this thing has run its course.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (born 10/13/1989), in her arrogant, youthful ignorance has a great deal to say about how this pandemic and the economics surrounding it should be handled. Yet she’s never lived through nor witnessed how people with experience work under the pressure of something of this scale. It would do her well to step back, watch and learn how experienced adults deal with this and shut her flapping yap.

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