What Good Is Common Sense When You Have The Government To Care For You?

When COVID-19 first made its appearance in China, much about the disease was held from public knowledge. Maybe China didn’t want to admit  yet another virus began within its borders. Well, as we know, viruses don’t understand borders. They understand “hosts”. They climb on board and wherever the host travels, the virus is sure to go (kind’a like “Mary”s little lamb.)

COVID-19 is a new virus, and just like youthful cruise ship passengers, it likes to jump ship and wreak havoc in every port it can find. But, unlike Mary having only one little lamb, or a cruise ship having a number of  youthful passengers, these virus “critters” (and I use the term very loosely), are of a number beyond imagination.

I don’t pretend to know much about medicine or viruses beyond what I learned in high school, but I think I have common sense (which I didn’t learn in high school.) I know viruses, when you catch them, make you sick, and it is a sickness no medicine can cure. The sick person’s body must create antibodies to fight off the illness. Once you’ve been sick and have the antibodies, you become immune to the virus and are unlikely to catch it again. The virus can’t hurt you anymore. It’s a little like A.O.C.’s chances of being reelected (I hope.)

There are a few other things that I think I know due to common sense. When the government tells us, on one hand,  that wearing protective masks in public isn’t helpful in protecting us from catching the virus; and,  on the other hand, says healthcare workers need them, I know someone’s either not telling the truth or they’re just plain stupid.

When the government tells us that staying 6 feet away from others,  as we are trying to socially distance ourselves, will protect us from catching the virus; common sense tells me that isn’t necessarily the truth, either. I don’t think viruses carry tape measures, (I may be wrong. As I said, I’m no expert.) It’s strange how, now, the government is telling us that masks actually could help us stay healthy. I’m not stupid. I get it. Doctors’ and other health care professionals’, as well as first responders’ health is more important than the average Joe’s because they are expected to do the life saving during this crisis. Hmm….that actually makes sense.

The parts of this that distress me are that the government doesn’t trust the average Joe to selflessly deny himself/herself/whateverself the protection when supplies of masks are low… and that the government is right! God, I hate to admit that. Hey, look at the toilet paper hoarding if you don’t believe me. Just think of how many folks who really needed bathroom stationary, but couldn’t find any, had to rely on squares of newsprint, pillow cases or sandpaper. Doctors have fewer choices when it comes to masks (except maybe the pillow cases…but that scares the patients and when worn while driving to the hospital, can lead to traffic accidents)

Yes, I think the government is probably justified in lying to the public in its manipulation of common sense. This is because common sense is so astoundingly uncommon. Again, I’ll refer to electing A.O.C..

2 thoughts on “What Good Is Common Sense When You Have The Government To Care For You?

  1. Well said. I’ve commented on the air about these arbitrary numbers that promise to keep us safe. 6 feet? Why not 5 or 7? Quarantine for 14 days? Would 9 work as well? These are all estimates by medical scientists. Educated guesses, in other words. Then the politicians pick it up and proclaim it gospel.

    When we are inclined to rely on stuffed shirts to lead us out of the dark woods I’ll follow my dog instead.

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