In the midst of this current pandemic, I think it’s possible there are a certain number of liberal/progressives who are saying to each other, “I told you so!. I told you the general public’s behavior can be manipulated.”

    So many proposed policies of the left will only work if the public’s behaviors can be manipulated. Much of this has already been accomplished for the time being. People have put aside the views they and their forebearers have held…many times for the better. As long as the new views don’t clash with human nature, these things are workable.

An entire nation (and world) has changed its normal behaviors in the attempt to stem the ravages of COVID-19. This is the fear of death at work. But it can’t last.

History has proven that the fear of death will eventually be trumped by the individual’s need to be free of governmental manipulation. It has never failed. If this pandemic continues long enough, I expect to see the public rebel against social distancing and the fear of shaking another’s hand, etc. to the demise of many and the silent acquiescence of human nature and the benefit of public sanity.

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