COVID-19 Chronicle, continuing.

In my last post of a week ago I mentioned that society will, at some time, begin to rebel against the social distancing rules the government has imposed if those rules remain in place for a long time. Since then, protests have begun in Michigan and Ohio. The democrat mayor of Las Vegas has called for the release of the lockdown on “sin city”. The feelings seem to be that the virus mitigation policy (fear of death) is trumped by the need for freedom to socialize and that money in Las Vegas takes priority over loss of life ( not a big surprise in a city founded by the mob) . Anyway, this happened quicker than I imagined.

Also, at the time of my last post, I had gone into a supermarket to find all the workers wearing surgical gloves and a couple wearing masks. Most of the shoppers were wearing both. I went to the same supermarket yesterday and found all of the employees wearing both gloves and masks. One shopper was wearing a mask. The rest of the shoppers weren’t wearing any protective equipment. I must assume the employees were following a newer, more stringent store policy and the shoppers were fed up with the governmentally imposed restrictions (which are still in force).

Trump has said he has the power to unilaterally open the country. The liberal media and others started calling him King Trump. Apparently they don’t know that when one refers to a king, it’s by first name. England doesn’t call her  Queen Mountbatten-Windsor.  King “the” Donald is providing guidelines, but is leaving the actual lifting of restrictions to state governors.

I actually believe Trump would love to be considered royalty. He even named his youngest son “Barron”. Using the first name rule, his son’s full name would be rather long, “Barron Barron bo-Barren mo-Marron Marren mo-Marron fee-fi-fo-Farron… Barron… Trump. But, allow me to digress.

The country has been watching Dr. Fauci (Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) during daily White House COVID-19 briefings. At one point, the good doctor said  had restrictions been put in place earlier, many lives would have been saved. The media immediately blamed Trump for not following health experts’ recommendations. Fauci later clarified his remark as a general comment on logic and noted that Trump had instituted health experts’ recommendations immediately each time he received them. Maybe we will learn in the future whether or not that was wise on Trump’s part. Either way, the original, liberal reports were partisan and spurious.

CNN reported California governor Gavin Newsom’s complaint that Elon Musk’s promise to provide a large number of ventilators to hospitals in California had gone completely unfulfilled. No ventilators had arrived. Musk, in return, provided proof (in numbers) of deliveries of ventilators to hospitals all over the country (including California) with letters of appreciation from hospital staffs. He also noted Tesla is manufacturing high-tech valves for some devices.  There is a question of definition of the word  ventilator and if it only describes  “invasive type” forced O2 ventilators or increased pressure “CPAP style” BIPAP equipment. In any case, Musk was ungratefully demeaned in the report. CNN countered by saying it only reported the information it was given by Newsom’s office and was therefore  blameless for the false report. After all, reporters shouldn’t be required to check the veracity of the information they deliver. That’s hard. I’m left wondering how well CNN checks the accuracy of reports coming from the White House before twisting a partisan skew to them.

Weather: It will be dry this afternoon, unless it rains. And now for sports.

…um…oh yeah, according to Bob Sims (KFBK Radio), the Sacramento River is still open to anglers, if they maintain a minimum, arbitrary distance of 6 feet from other people. Striped Bass are in season.

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