Addendum To Mouths.

In my previous post, I noted how Trump’s grasp on the ability to speak well is akin to the average person’s grasp on a freshly caught eel. I also noted how Biden’s grasp on due process is akin to the average person’s grasp on a freshly caught eel.

Biden proclaimed the killing of Ahmaud Arbery to be murder by the two white men seen in a video. “The video is clear.”, Biden said. “Ahmaud Arbery was killed in cold blood. My heart goes out to his family, who deserve justice and deserve it now. It is time for a swift, full, and transparent investigation into his murder.”

Trump has since weighed in: “I saw the tape and it’s very, very disturbing, the tape.” “I got to see it, it’s very disturbing.” “I will say that it looks like a really good young guy.” “It’s a very disturbing situation to me and my heart goes out to the parents and the family and the friends, but yet we have to take it, law enforcement is going to look at it.”

Regarding Georgia’s Gov. Brian Kemp, Trump said Kemp is “going to be looking at it very strongly and he’s going to do what’s right, but it’s a heartbreaking thing and very rough, rough stuff.” “Well, justice getting done is the thing that solves that problem.” “Again, it’s in the hands of the governor and I’m sure he’ll do the right thing.”

**** “You know, it could be something that we didn’t see on tape.” “There could be a lot of, if you saw things went off tape, and then back on tape, but it was troubling.”

“I mean, to anybody that watched it, certainly it was a disturbing or troubling video no question about that.” “But they have very good law enforcement in the state of Georgia and I’m sure they are going to come up with exactly what happened. It’s a sad thing. Very sad thing. I hate to see that.”

Holy crap!!! What must it be like to live in Trump’s head? All the babbling and disjointed wording…what’s up with that?

****Still, if I’m deciphering Trump’s words correctly, he understands due process (even if he can’t explain it) far better than Biden.

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