That Solved That!

Joe Biden’s current presidential campaign has been compromised by the allegations of a woman who claims Biden sexually abused and humiliated her in the early 90s. I don’t know where the truth lies, but an investigation into the incident is demanded.

I think it is important to note that God gave men testicles, which are the root cause of any sexual behavior or misbehavior. Women should always remember that God gave them strategically located knees to thwart sexual misbehaviors. Employing such a technique denies the offender the ability to think, see or breath for the length of time necessary for the required berating and announcement of upcoming legal action.

It goes without saying (so I will) that immediately after the event, proper authorities must be notified and a phone call be placed to his significant other.

I ask you…if women adhered to these simple rules, how often would these offenses occur? How often would the woman suffer retribution? How often would alleged offenses need to be investigated years after the fact?

Could a woman abuse this technique? Yes. How likely would that be knowing the legal ramifications ?

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