Ironic, Ain’t It?

It seems most folks intelligent enough and honorable enough to really qualify to be President of The United States are also too bright and principled to actually desire the job.

4 thoughts on “Ironic, Ain’t It?

  1. Aw, this was an incredibly good post. Taking a few minutes and actual effort to produce a superb article…

    but what can I say… I put things off a lot and never seem
    to get anything done.

    1. I’m not sure what you mean. You are welcome to clarify your thoughts. Just to note: Africans (of any color) are not qualified to run for President of the United States. One must be a citizen, born in the United States (of any race or creed) and at least 35 years of age, to qualify. Unhappily for our nation, there are no legal, minimum I.Q. or logical thought ability requirements to run for President (or any other elected office), nor are there any, to vote. Our history makes this laughably (albeit painfully) clear.
      To my way of thinking, if the American electorate actually took this Presidential election seriously, we’d be looking at either O’Malley or Webb facing off against Carson or Rubio in November. Apparently, voters think a candidate’s entertainment value takes precedence. In other words: We prefer nonsense over sense.

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