What Happened To Winston

A bust of Winston Churchill displayed in the Oval Office was sent back to England. Why? White House curator, William Allman, said it was on loan to Bush and was “already scheduled to go back”. A British newspaper said “Sir Winston Packing”. Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Charles Krauthammer criticized Obama for what appeared to be a slighting of Sir Winston and his value to the world, especially during and after WWII. Dan Pfeiffer (the President’s communication director at the time) went after Krauthammer for his comments, calling them “100% false”.  Pfeiffer later apologized. Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, has renewed the charge against the administration saying the Churchill bust was “banished” by the Oval Office. He cited Obama’s part Kenyan ancestry and the British Empire’s roll in Kenya as a reason for the bust’s removal.

Well, Obama has finally set things straight (presumably).

Apparently Allman and Pfeiffer had not told the truth. Obama said, Friday, it was his decision to return the bust to England and to replace it with a bust of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ” to remind me of all the hard work of a lot of people who would somehow allow me to have the privilege of holding this office.” Obama noted that on the second floor of the White House, outside the Treaty Room (the President’s private office), there is a bust of Churchill.

“I love the Guy.” “I see it everyday, including on weekends, when I’m going into that office to watch a basketball game.” “The primary image I see is a bust of Winston Churchill. It’s there voluntarily, because I can do anything on the second floor. I love Winston Churchill.”

The question arises: Why didn’t Obama replace the second floor bust of Churchill with that of M.L.K. Jr. instead, as it is of such personal care and amazement to him and his rise to the Presidency and leave the one of Churchill in the Oval Office? Why not piss off a close friend and ally?


Remind me, what did Obama personally do to earn a Nobel Peace Prize? Why did he accept it? Narcissism.

Please understand I would never discount King’s value to our society. Should he be honored? Yes! And he is.

As for Obama, I fear he is so busy trying to build himself some sort of legacy that he doesn’t recognize he’s building it on a foundation of kindling.

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