See previous posts for earlier Zodiac signs.



SCORPIO is the intellectual sign of “THE SCORPION”. Dynamic people born between October 23rd and November 21st  are usually quite independent. Paradoxically, they can be both loyal and manipulative, resourceful and unyielding. Some who are so passionate (perhaps to the point of obsession), likely have the tenacity to accomplish anything they wish. Suspiciously observant of others, their social skills are not first on their list of priorities.  (Hillary Rodham Clinton was born on October 26th.)

NOTE: L. Frank Baum has three characters ( Mombi and her sisters) which appear in his books about the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. It seems quite a coincidence all were born on October 26th.


Sirius (the dog star) has two jealous phases, and in this case is represented by “THE CANUS FEMINA” . It is possible for a very few born on October 26th to suffer from some rather serious (different spelling from the zodiacal sign), chronic anger, and control issues and refuse to play nicely with the other children. But most are really nifty dudes and dudettes whose signs share the name of a famous satellite radio station. Oh, snap! Ain’t that the bomb?!!!……..uh, I mean, Good heavens! Isn’t that particularly noteworthy (in a positive sense)?!!!

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