Comedian Chelsea Handler just reiterated her stance on abortion explaining how she became pregnant at the age of 16. She terminated that pregnancy. She also became pregnant at the age of 16 (for a second time) and aborted that child, as well. Chelsea learns slowly. She explains what dire straits she would have experienced had the option of abortion not been available. Good for her.….. Her.

There are two basic sides to the abortion issue. Those who are pro-choice and those who are pro-life. Comparing the two, which side concerns itself with the most innocent? Which side concerns itself with the most defenseless? Which side concerns itself with convenience as opposed to taking personal responsibility and the prospect of hard work? Which side is composed, mostly,  of naïve, self satisfied, politically liberal youngsters?

Semantic terminologies  play a role in this. First, is the term “abortion”. This is a simple catch-word meaning to stop something from progressing (ie:, the shuttle launch has been aborted). The second is “terminate”.  This word means to end something. Terminal disease. Terminus. Both words are not specific to the abortion process. The appropriate word is “kill”. There is a human who will be killed (caused to die through an act of homicide). This is true even if he or she is hidden from view at the moment. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Don’t interfere with women’s “personal health issues”. I agree. I find it interesting pro-choicers use the concept of “women’s health issues” as an argument. Does pregnancy fit this narrative? Most pregnant women are very healthy. Having a developing child in one’s womb is not a disease. Perhaps some think of it as some type of affliction. Take heart. This is the only type of parasitical cellular growth designed to shed its host, (you). Most times without surgical intervention.

Many people find the choice between aborting a pregnancy, or having the baby, to be a flip of the coin (often regarding how inconvenient carrying a child to term might be.).

Heads, I have the kid and do my best to raise it. Or, put it up for adoption, if I don’t want it, or can’t care for it.

Tails, I don’t have the kid. If I did, my list of boyfriends might be reduced. I might have to put off college for a while. God, what about my trip to Europe? And adoption is out of the question. Possible social stigma. We can’t have that! Can we?!!!

I guess it all depends upon from which perspective one views the issue. Some take pride in using their heads while others favor….


One thought on “ABORTION #2

  1. #1 You do have a way of exposing an issue for what it is. A logical argument indeed, and I agree with you. I do wish the word “kill” was used instead of spinning murder into something legal.

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