People don’t like to be stereotyped. They don’t want to be lumped in with the few of their demographic who behave poorly.

But all cops are alike. Right?

3 thoughts on “STEREOTYPING.

  1. I liked the irony — points to mistaken application of stereotyping in BOTH directions.

    Take male and female — an obvious biological distinction that some folks seek to reverse for various reasons. Celebrities and CEOs now dress like their lessers, and most distinctions seem to be vanishing.

    Why then, does racial stereotyping still go on? Isn’t it obvious?

    Sad but true.

    1. I think stereotyping is akin to profiling. Perhaps one begets the other. Whether you believe profiling is unjust or not, it certainly is normal and useful in many instances. If a cop took equal interest in a 3 year old Asian child and a black 17 year old when questioning the 2 suspects about a car burglary, he would not be profiling. He’d be an idiot. If he was leaning on questioning the black kid more-so, the kid would be right in complaining the cop was profiling. Potential lawsuit? Maybe the answer lies in ratios. Out of every 100,000 Asian infants, how many have proven to be car burglars?

  2. Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are always complaining about the “inordinate” number of young black men who are incarcerated. The number of blacks killed by blacks is “inordinate”. Is the reason so many young black men end up in jail because they were profiled for arrest and unjustly convicted? Yup, that would be one of the reasons. Why aren’t the two good reverends complaining about the other reason?

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