See previous posts for earlier Zodiac signs.



Sagittarius is the theatrical sign of “THE ARCHER”. Those born between November 22nd and December 21st usually view life through a philosophical eye, looking forward eagerly and obviously  to changes is the status quo. As Sagittarians, many spend inordinate amounts of time during their younger years sitting around, thinking about the deep and true meanings of things. Eventually they are awarded advanced degrees in philosophy, rendering them useless and unemployable. They relish changing their pursuits to fit their extroverted natures. Some may be found haunting karaoke bars and other raucous musical venues where they love to display their talents, of which they have few. It is a wonder there is no named charity specifically designed to help them survive….so they become actors and/or musical performers or they employ actors and/or musical performers. Miley Cyrus was born on November 23rd. Britney Spears was born on December 2nd. Christina Aguilera was born on December 18th. Walt Disney was born on December 2nd.


The Moon is the ironic sign of “THE ARCHING TWERKER”. While 50% of the moon is its far side, and remains hidden to those on earth, those born on November 23rd are un-proportionately more likely to expose their backsides.

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